Evaluation of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Polymeric Wastes Doped with Activated Charcoal Produced from Doum Palm (Hyphane thebaica L.) Bark
Characterization, Dopant, Electrical and Thermal Conductivities, Melt-blending, Polymer WasteAbstract
The growing concern over environmental sustainability and the need for innovative waste management solutions have spurred interest in the utilization of waste resources. This study investigates the potential of utilizing activated charcoal produced from Doum Palm (Hyphane thebaica L.) bark as a dopant to improve the electrical and thermal conductivity of polymeric waste materials. The doped materials were formed by incorporating varying proportions of activated charcoal into the polymer matrices through a melt-blending technique. The resulting samples were then subjected to certain characterization processes, including FTIR, SEM, Physico-Chemical analysis, and electrical and thermal conductivity testing. Physico-Chemical analysis is done to determine the activation efficiency of the activated charcoal produced. Electrical conductivity is evaluated to assess the potential of these doped materials for electronic applications and antistatic properties. Thermal conductivity measurements provide insights into their suitability for heat transfer applications. Polyethylene shows the highest electrical conductivity of 1.82 × 10-3 S/cm at 10wt% dopant concentration, with polypropylene performed best for thermal conductivity. The findings of this study contribute to the development of sustainable materials with improved properties from waste polymers. Hence, it is evident that on further modification they can be used for various applications, such as the development of conductive materials, used in electronics industries, contributing to the promotion of economy practices and reducing environmental impacts associated with polymer waste disposal.
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Published on: 10-01-2024
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Copyright (c) 2023 Umar Faruk Bello, Dr. Ahmed Salisu, PhD, Dr. Aliyu D. Mohammed, PhD

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