Review of Toxic Gases and Their Impact on Human Health


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  • Najmaldin Ezaldin Hassan College of Engineering, Civil and Environment Department, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hawar Abdulrahman Rashid College of Science, Environmental Sciences Department, University of Zakho, Kurdistan region, Iraq


toxic gasses, sources, effects, controls, human health


The likelihood of toxic gases occurring within a specific timeframe and location determines the likelihood of the event. The aim of this study is to review the literature on the effects of hazardous gases on human health. Hazardous gas releases can tragically occur as a result of industrial accidents, natural disasters, or terrorist attacks in inhabited regions. The literature introduces several modeling methods and approaches to both prevent and assess the effects of these disasters. These tools are invaluable resources for risk managers evaluating the risks associated with vulnerable areas. Although risk assessments for toxic gas dispersion have significantly improved, they often do not account for people's movements and behavior during emergencies. To enhance the accuracy of risk assessments for disasters involving toxic gases, this study proposes a method that considers both gas dispersion modeling and evacuation dynamics. Identifying effective methods for reducing toxic gas pollution and its adverse effects on the environment and human health is crucial. Toxic gases can harm nearly every organ and system in the body. Additionally, we discuss various corrective measures to mitigate their toxicity.


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Published on: 23-10-2024

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How to Cite

Hassan, N. E., & Rashid, H. A. (2024). Review of Toxic Gases and Their Impact on Human Health. Jabirian Journal of Biointerface Research in Pharmaceutics and Applied Chemistry, 1(4), 7–12.



Review Article