Measurement of Groundwater Eligibility as Drinking Water : Chemical Parameters
drinking water, chemical parameters, feasibility standardsAbstract
Water is a major need for humans—the requirements of mineral content contained in water need to get human attention. Reducing water quality will be bad for human health and can even cause death. The fulfilment of water worthy of drinking and bathing in Padang City is sourced from PDAM, dug water, and drill well water. Each water source needs to be given attention to its feasibility standards, so this research aims to measure the feasibility of groundwater chemically based on data on minerals (iron, zinc, manganese), nitrogen levels, and DHL and TDS—sampling using purposive sampling techniques. The samples used in the test are dug well water and drill wells. The chemical parameters tested on both models stated the feasibility of the selection as a source of drinking water in terms of DHL, TDS, manganese, zinc, and nitrogen levels except for drill well water, whose iron content is 5.73 times more than the legal feasibility of iron content in drinking water.
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Published on: 09-11-2024
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