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Call for Chapters: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Frameworks in Telehealth

Editor: Dr. Mohd Yusuf


Submit Chapter Guidelines

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Frameworks in Telehealth,” edited by Dr. Mohd Yusuf, delves into the integration of ICT in telehealth, highlighting its transformative impact on healthcare delivery. The book explores various frameworks and models that enhance telehealth services, aiming to improve accessibility, efficiency, and patient outcomes. It includes contributions from experts across the globe, offering a comprehensive view of current advancements and future trends in telehealth technology. Through case studies and research findings, the book addresses challenges and proposes solutions for effective telehealth implementation. It serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers interested in the intersection of technology and healthcare.

This edited book will be published with ISBN and DOI numbers following a rigorous double-blind peer review process. All chapters in this volume will be formatted for clarity and accessibility, ensuring readers can easily understand and learn from the content. The book aims to provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of ICT, making it a valuable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners.

Focus and Scopes

The book outlines several key chapters but invites authors to submit any contributions that fit within its scope, fostering a comprehensive exploration of ICT in telehealth.

Telehealth Infrastructure Development ICT Integration in Remote Patient Monitoring Security and Privacy in Telehealth Systems Telehealth Applications in Chronic Disease Management AI and Machine Learning in Telehealth Telehealth for Mental Health Services Interoperability Standards for Telehealth Technologies Regulatory and Policy Frameworks for Telehealth Cost-Effectiveness and Economic Impact of Telehealth User Experience and Accessibility in Telehealth Platforms Telehealth in Rural and Underserved Areas Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions and Innovations Telehealth Training and Education for Healthcare Providers Data Analytics and Telehealth Future Trends and Emerging Technologies in Telehealth

Proposed Chapters by Editor for the upcoming volume:

  • Introduction to ICT Frameworks in Telehealth
  • Historical Evolution of Telehealth and ICT Integration
  • Telehealth Infrastructure: Hardware and Software Requirements
  • Cloud Computing and Telehealth
  • Interoperability Standards and Protocols in Telehealth Systems
  • Telehealth Platforms: Design and Implementation Best Practices
  • Mobile Health (mHealth): Leveraging Mobile Technology in Telehealth
  • Telehealth and Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities and Challenges
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Telehealth
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Technologies and Frameworks
  • Telemedicine: Virtual Consultations and Real-Time Communication
  • Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions in Telehealth ICT
  • User Experience and Human-Computer Interaction in Telehealth Platforms
  • Telehealth in Rural and Underserved Areas: ICT Solutions
  • Emerging Trends and Future Directions in Telehealth ICT


Dr. Mohd Yusuf

Dr. Mohd Yusuf, editor of “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Frameworks in Telehealth,” is a distinguished Scopus scientist with over 2000 citations. He is the Dean Incharge of the Glocal School of Science, known for its multidisciplinary faculty, state-of-the-art laboratories, and strong focus on research and practical knowledge. Dr. Yusuf’s leadership emphasizes expanding students’ knowledge and societal development, making significant contributions to both education and research in the sciences.

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