“The Second World War” by James Jarris is a contemporary exploration of World War II, offering a fresh perspective on the conflict that reshaped the 20th century. Harris delves into the intricate details of the war, analyzing key events, strategies, and figures with a modern lens. His work emphasizes the global impact of the war, examining the political, social, and economic ramifications across different continents. Harris provides a comprehensive and nuanced account with a focus on both well-known battles and lesser-known aspects of the war. The book is noted for its thorough research, engaging narrative, and the incorporation of new historical findings, making it a valuable contribution to the vast body of WWII literature.
The Second Word War
Original price was: ₹1,500.00.₹1,400.00Current price is: ₹1,400.00.
Author | : | James Jarris |
ISBN | : | 978-81-960201-3-1 |
Publisher | : | Sprin Publisher |
Language | : | English |
Pages | : | 350 |
Publication Year | : | 2020 |
Binding | : | Paperback |
DOI | : | https://doi.org/10.55559/book.002 |
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