Sustainability in the English School Textbooks: The Case of English Language Textbooks taught in the Greek Primary School


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Environmental Education, Sustainability, Sustainable School, School Textbooks, Sustainable Development


The present work–research uses the method of content analysis and bibliographic research. The subject of the research is Sustainable Education and the subject of Education in English Language Textbooks.

The English Language Textbooks taught in the Greek Primary School in C, D, E and F Classes are examined. The topics related to the environment and sustainability issues are presented.

 Main activities are presented. Teaching scenarios, which further enhance the cultivation of students' sensitivity in relation to the environment, are proposed.


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UNESCO Website Education-for-Sustainable-Development:

Published on: 2022-09-02

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How to Cite

Liondos, V. (2022). Sustainability in the English School Textbooks: The Case of English Language Textbooks taught in the Greek Primary School. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(09), 12–23.