Studying the Factors of Deprivation of Women from Inheritance in Afghan Society


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  • Saleh Mohammad Akhtarkhil Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Belief, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Kabul Education University, Kabul Afghanistan
  • Qudrat Ullah Ahmadi Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Culture, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Kabul Education University, Kabul Afghanistan
  • Ahmad Khesraw Adib Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Culture, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Kabul Education University, Kabul Afghanistan


Rights, Deprivation, Inheritance, Afghan Society


Ignorance and illiteracy have had negative effects on various areas of life in Afghan society, including the deprivation of women from the right to inheritance. In fact, some ignorant and oblivious families have violated the indisputable right of women and are not ready to consider girls and women as their children regarding giving them the right of inheritance like sons. As Women are afraid of threats from their house guardians, has prevented them from claiming inheritance rights. In addition, Women are sometimes threatened with severance of social ties and access to their paternal family, so they dare not to claim their inheritance rights.

Now the question is, why are Afghan women not given their inheritance right, although, it is their legitimate right in Islam? This is the question which rises in the mind of every wise, adult and sensible person. In this article, the above question is answered and the factors, consequences and ways to protect women from being deprived of the right to inheritance from the Islamic point of view are introduced. Finally, the research ends with the conclusion and the list of references.


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The Holy Quran

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Published on: 25-11-2022

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How to Cite

Akhtarkhil, S. M., Ahmadi, Q. U., & Adib, A. K. (2022). Studying the Factors of Deprivation of Women from Inheritance in Afghan Society. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(11), 01–08.