Contribution of Rabindranath as a follower of Sanskrit education


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  • Dr. Pieu Mondal Assistant Professor of Sanskrit, Rishi Bankim Chandra College for Women, West Bengal, India


Rabindranath Tagore, Upanishadas, principles, Sanskrit


The aim of education, as Rabindranath Tagore sees it, is to give a sense of one's identity as a total man and to bring education in harmony with life. He believed that self-realization was the goal of education. A total man is the one who thinks of himself first and foremost as human being. Rabindranath was conscious of the educational environment of Asrama, learning from the dramas of Kalidasa and verses of Upanishadas, Vedas, Gita and its impact on the overall mental and spiritual development of students though restricted to privileged sections of society only. Rabindranath was highly influenced by the basic principles and structure of thought rooted to Upanishadas and Gita specifically as true essence bearer of three fundamental principles. The first principle states the importance of wisdom in controlling senses by overcoming egoistic ignorance to achieve self-purification of inner soul. The second principle is to achieve a sense of identity with the universe. The third principle is to see God in one’s own self. The personal experience of universal consciousness and of God is made possible by the combination of three processes namely Salutation and Submission, Integration and Service and Execution. According to Rabindranath, Education is a process for growth of mind and soul, establishing a community of spirit with man and nature. This educational process must aspire for the entry into the vast universal life and seek their fulfilment and rewards in its experiences. The Education is a process of self-purification for the pupil through the application of three principles namely freedom, inclusiveness and universalization. Rabindranath, born into family of a rich and intellectuals, though not having any formal education, but had undergone through Vedic literature like Upanishada, Puranas, Great epics etc., classic Sanskrit literature under the watchful eyes of Debendranath Tagore. His deep appreciation of Sanskrit literary works is reflected in his work of criticism, entitled “Prachin Sahitya”. His building of educational institutions like Santiniketan and Viswabhararti reflects this ideology only. According to Rabindranath, the Gayatri mantra appears to signify the identity of the person in sync with nature and universe. The Upanishadas also have left a binding impression over the poet reflected in some of his works. The great epics Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Puranic literature, Dharmashastra all have seemed to enter his soul. The poet is indebted to classical Sanskrit literature specially Kalidasa in terms of concepts of dualism.


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Gita – (3/38).

Gita – (5/15).

Gita – (5/16).

Gita – (2/57).

Gita – (6/29).

Gita – (18/61).

Gita – (4/38).

Gita – (4/39).

Books Consulted:

• Bandyopadhyay Hiranmoy – ‘Rabindranatha Upanishad’ Kolkata, Nabapatra Prakasan, 1959 print.

• Dasgupta Sasibhusan – ‘Upanishader Patabhumikay Rabindranath’, Nabashakti Press, Kolkata 1368 print.

• সংস্কৃতানুশীলনে রবীন্দ্রনাথ—সুখময় ভট্টাচার্য, শাস্ত্রী অরুণা প্রকাশনী কলকাতা-৬

• Tagore’s Educational Philosphy and Experiment – Sunil Chandra Sarkar, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, May 1961

• রবীন্দ্ররচনাবলী, বিশ্বভারতী।

• শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতা- হরফ প্রকাশনী।

• প্রবন্ধসংগ্রহ-৩, সুকুমারী ভট্টাচার্য, গাঙচিল প্রকাশ, মে ২০১৩, কলকাতা-৭০০১১১।

Published on: 27-11-2022

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How to Cite

Mondal, D. P. (2022). Contribution of Rabindranath as a follower of Sanskrit education. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(11), 09–14.