The role of poetry and the poet's mission in the awakening of society


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  • Zumaray Wajed Associate Professor, Department of Dari language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Takhar University, Afghanistan
  • Ezzatullah Saghar Languages and Literature Faculty, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan


human, society, mission, poet, poetry


Poetry serves as a means of intergenerational communication by articulating the intricacies of existence, the human condition, and its representation through language, adeptly encapsulating the multifaceted dimensions of each. A poet can be seen as skilled artists who use the medium of poetry to offer individuals a well-suited approach to understanding and analysing the attitudes and behaviours prevalent throughout society. The poet's work mostly revolves around the topics of socialism and societal consciousness, wherein he discerns between virtuous and malevolent aspects and portrays society in an optimally favourable manner. This concept posits that the poet possesses a significant role to fill within society, namely, to rouse individuals to a state of awareness regarding the truth, to impel them towards virtuous actions, and to caution them against engaging in malevolent behaviours. The act of recounting this endeavour serves to underscore the significance of this issue. Based on the findings of this study, poetry serves as a mechanism for societal transformation through its capacity to understand the realities of existence and present them in a manner that accentuates their fragility and aesthetic appeal beyond their inherent nature. Poet initiates this transformation and motivates others to emulate their actions. The poet imbues vitality into the corporeal form, transmits visual impressions and panoramas from the terrestrial realm to the ethereal and celestial domains, and establishes a connection between the sphere of material existence and the realm that lies beyond. The objective of this study is to elucidate the role of poetry in facilitating societal awareness and its intended goal.


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Published on: 2023-11-01

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How to Cite

Wajed, Z., & Saghar, E. (2023). The role of poetry and the poet’s mission in the awakening of society. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 20–30.