Impact of Globalization on the Society and Culture of the Northeast India


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  • Debjani Goswami Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Hojai Girls’ College, Assam, India


Globalization, Northeast India, Tribal Communities, Culture, Tradition


The presence of diverse communities and tribal populations, each characterized by their unique customs and traditional culture, is a prominent characteristic of Northeast India. The lifestyle in the Northeast, particularly among its indigenous groups, diverges significantly from other ways of living. They possess distinct dietary preferences, engage in diverse occupations, and uphold separate cultural practices. Globalization exerts a significant influence on all aspects of life in the Northeast. The research aims to analyze the effects of globalization on the lifestyle and culture of these tribes. This study primarily focuses on examining the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the indigenous communities in the Northeastern region. Undoubtedly, the indigenous population of this region has benefited from globalization, primarily by avoiding exploitation and gaining improved living standards such as access to healthcare and education. However, it has also had adverse consequences on their traditions, cultures, and overall way of life in the Northeast.


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Published on: 2023-12-13

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How to Cite

Goswami, D. (2023). Impact of Globalization on the Society and Culture of the Northeast India. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(12), 52–57.