Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment of Selected Higher Education Institutions in Zamboanga Peninsula


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  • Joal R. Rubia Master in public administration student, Cebu Institute of Technology University
  • Marvin Ian E. Niere Graduate School Faculty, Center for Advanced Studies, Cebu Institute of Technology University
  • Mariza O. Jortil Faculty Member, College of Management, Business and Accountancy, Cebu Institute of Technology University


transformational leadership, organizational commitment, Higher Education Institutions


This study aimed to determine the level of transformational leadership practices of Deans and organizational commitment of faculty/staff members in Higher Education Institutions in the Zamboanga Peninsula. The five dimensions of transformational leadership studied were idealized influence (attribute), idealized influence (behavior), intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation. The study also looked into the level of organizational commitment of the staff and the relationship with the transformational leadership practices of the middle manager. The respondents of the study consisted of 103 faculty/staff employed in the selected Higher Education Institutions in the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines. Descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were the statistical tools used by the researcher. The SPSS was used to examine the gathered data. The Deans' transformative leadership has a comparable impact on continued behavior and normative commitment, suggesting that continued behavior and normative commitment are affected by leadership in a complex way. Therefore, by enhancing their transformational leadership style, deans can raise faculty/staff retention levels and normative commitment. Furthermore, it is advised that future researchers do a study with a similar focus but a broader reach in higher education institutions.


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Published on: 07-06-2023

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How to Cite

Rubia, J., Niere, M. I., & Jortil, M. (2023). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment of Selected Higher Education Institutions in Zamboanga Peninsula . Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(06), 19–30.