Structure and Types of Pashto Syllable


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  • Sayed Kazim Shaheedkhel Associate Professor, Department of Pashto, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Takhar University, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Azam Omari Junior lecturer, Department of Pashto, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Takhar University, Afghanistan


Syllable Identification, Syllable Structure, Syllable Formation Parts, Syllabification and Types, Syllable Principles


The syllable is the phonological element that plays a vital role in the formation of the word. A complete and standard syllable consists of the Onset, Nucleus, and Coda, but at the same time, the Onset or Coda part of the syllable can also fall down. No syllable can be constructed without Nucleus and vowel sounds. The vowel in the syllable structure has as much value as the syllable has in the word formation. These vowels play a fundamental role in the syllable’s distribution and types. This article explores the intricate structure and various types of syllables found in the Pashto language, primarily spoken in Afghanistan. Syllables play a fundamental role in linguistic analysis, as they constitute the building blocks of words and affect the rhythm, stress, and intonation patterns in speech.

The findings of this study contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the Pashto language's syllable structure, shedding light on its unique phonological features. This knowledge holds significance for various fields, including linguistics, language teaching, and speech pathology, enabling researchers and language professionals to better analyze and comprehend the complexities of Pashto syllables.


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Published on: 2023-07-10

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How to Cite

Shaheedkhel, S. K., & Omari, M. A. (2023). Structure and Types of Pashto Syllable. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(07), 01–10.