The Scenario of Zakah Management in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis


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  • Mohammad Loqman Hosain Officer on Special duty (OSD), Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, Bangladesh & Lecturer (BCS General Education), M.Phil. Researcher, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh


Zakah, Management, Poverty, Unemployment, Bangladesh, Sariah


The aim of the study is to describe and analyze the real scenario of zakah management in Bangladesh. Zakah is an important tool to eradicate poverty in the country and it can play a vital role in alleviating unemployment too. About 91.04% of the total population of the country is Muslim. A good number of Muslims are capable of paying zakah annually. However, the zakah management system in urban or rural areas is poor. And the capable people on whom zakah is compulsory are not so positive about distributing zakah among (mustahaqqun) the beneficiary group. Mustahaqqun means the class of people who are eligible to collect zakah according to Islamic Shariah. Almost, all the zakah payers are not aware enough to pay zakah in the defined Sariah way. Only a few people legally pay their zakah portion among the eligible class. For this, the actual method of zakah distribution management in Bangladesh is not exercised and executed properly. This is why, the real beneficiary group is not facilitated in a systematic way. This study also tries to focus on the challenges of zakah distribution management in Bangladesh and tries to highlight the effective recommendations for resolving these problems.


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Published on: 2024-01-07

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How to Cite

Hosain, M. L. (2024). The Scenario of Zakah Management in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 16–21.