Textual Analysis of Conflict and Political Songs of the Dentsefo and Tuafo Asafo Companies of Effutu, Winneba


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  • Daniel Darkwa Mensah Department of Music, Akrokerri College of Education, Ghana https://orcid.org/0009-0001-6038-9914
  • Rev. Dr. John Kofi Brewu Department of Music, Akrokerri College of Education, Ghana


Ethnographic, Conflict, Politics, Asafo, Music, Text, Context, Performance


Despite the global recognition of political messages in music, it is evident that such expressions often lead to friction and disagreement among the warrior groups. This study aims to investigate the political expressions and conflicts within the music of the Asafo companies in Winneba. The research utilizes participant observation and semi-structured interviews as its primary methods, drawing inspiration from existing literature. The perspectives of 10 Asafo company leaders are examined to discern the factors contributing to conflicts in their songs. The data collected through participant observation and interviews is subjected to textual analysis. The study’s findings reveal a consistent theme across all Effutu songs emphasizing conflicts and wars. These musical expressions are characterized by explicit elements of rivalry, provocation, and challenge. The study suggests that stakeholders should redirect their efforts towards using music as a means to foster peace and harmony among the Asafo groups in Winneba, rather than allowing them to serve as tools for conflict. This implies a need to rethink and restructure the current approach to musical expressions within these communities, emphasizing their potential for promoting unity rather than discord.


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Published on: 14-01-2024

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How to Cite

Mensah, D. D., & Brewu, J. K. (2024). Textual Analysis of Conflict and Political Songs of the Dentsefo and Tuafo Asafo Companies of Effutu, Winneba. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 22–27. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i1.225