Exploring the Roles of Reading Strategies on Speaking English Language


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  • Mohammad Arash Khalili Lecturer Department of English, Jawzjan University, Afghanistan
  • Muzaffer Toofan Noory Lecturer Department of English, Jawzjan University, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Hassan Rasuli Lecturer Department of English, Sar-epol Higher Education Institute, Afghanistan https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3728-7224


Reading Strategies, Speaking English, Reading Fluently, Role of reading


This research endeavors to investigate the integral role of reading strategies in the development of spoken English language skills. The primary objective is to discern the effectiveness of applying these strategies during reading to enhance comprehension. The study is motivated by the wealth of literature underscoring the advantages of reading strategies for both foreign and second language learners, with a particular emphasis on their impact on the progression from input to output language acquisition. Employing a qualitative research design, the study utilizes open-ended questionnaires as a method to gather comprehensive data. The findings illuminate the positive outcomes associated with the adept application of reading strategies and consistent engagement in reading activities, particularly in the context of improving speaking skills. This research recommends heightened awareness among English educators and learners regarding the profound significance of employing appropriate reading strategies during the learning process. The aim is to enhance comprehension skills and foster fluent spoken communication, enabling learners to communicate more effectively and proficiently in English.


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Published on: 09-03-2024

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How to Cite

Khalili, M. A., Noory, M. T., & Rasuli, M. H. (2024). Exploring the Roles of Reading Strategies on Speaking English Language. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 38–44. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i3.267