Hybridity and Cultural Duality in E.M Forster’s Character Dr. Aziz: A Post-Colonial Analysis


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  • Ghulam Nabi Karmi Associate Professor, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Pashto Department, Balkh University, Afghanistan
  • Obaid Ullah Salar Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Languages and Literature, English Department, Balkh University, Afghanistan https://orcid.org/0009-0007-6125-8768


Post-colonial, Hybridity, cultural dualism, Dr, Aizis, Ambivalence


The study examines the impact of British influence on Indian culture and its people, leading to a dualism in their personalities, as conceptualized by Homi K. Bhabha's notion of hybridity. The analysis of Forster’s novel and the character of Dr. Aziz using Bhabha’s concepts of hybridity and ambivalence reveals that British culture poses a significant threat to the native culture, eroding the ancient histories of Indian cultures in the younger native generation. This qualitative research, based on the findings of this study, also opens up a new dimension for researchers in the same field or those interested in hybridity, or A Passage to India. This research is qualitative in nature, and the data was collected from the novel A Passage to India. The research also identifies that Dr. Aziz appears to be influenced by the English lifestyle and attempts to emulate English behavior on multiple occasions, seeking friendship with English people and even organizing and leading a trip for them to demonstrate his honor and responsibility. However, after facing accusations, he refrains from accepting the friendship of the English until they cease to rule India, displaying dual and hybrid behavior. The study also uncovers the influence of the English language and cultural values on Indians. Considering that Forster wrote the novel A Passage to India during his visits to India, it is evident that he witnessed the scenario during the British Raj, lending credibility and trustworthiness to the events described in the novel. This provides a satisfying validation of the research results.


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Published on: 18-03-2024

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How to Cite

Karmi, G. N., & Salar, O. U. (2024). Hybridity and Cultural Duality in E.M Forster’s Character Dr. Aziz: A Post-Colonial Analysis. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 59–64. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i3.269