The Karzai Administration: Challenges, Achievements, and Controversies


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  • Professor Sahib Nazr Dashti Department of History, Faculty of Education, Takhar University, Afghanistan


Bonn Agreement, interim and elective government, constitution, governance and administrative corruption


In October 2004, Karzai assumed the presidency through a constitutional mandate, raising hopes for political stability, ethnic reconciliation, and effective governance. However, his tenure was marred by entrenched political rivalries, ethnic tensions, governance challenges, military escalations, and rampant corruption, which overshadowed his ability to fulfill the promises of his presidency. This article aims to analyze the political legacy of Hamid Karzai's thirteen-year rule, shedding light on his governance approach and unmet commitments. Despite initial expectations of strong leadership, Karzai's tenure was marked by persistent political discord, ethnic fragmentation, and governance deficiencies. While his presidency achieved significant milestones, such as constitutional reforms and electoral processes, it fell short in addressing systemic issues, including corruption and security concerns. Through an examination of Karzai's political trajectory, this article seeks to illuminate the complexities of governing Afghanistan amidst formidable challenges, ultimately evaluating the effectiveness of his leadership during a tumultuous era of transition and turmoil.


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Published on: 08-04-2024

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How to Cite

Dashti, S. N. (2024). The Karzai Administration: Challenges, Achievements, and Controversies. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4), 33–38.