Yulduz: A Chronicle Illuminating the Journey of Uzbek Culture in Afghanistan


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  • Hasamuddin Hamdard PHD scholars of Alisher Navoi' Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, and Lecturer at Takhar university in Afghanistan


Yulduz newspaper, Afghan Uzbeks, Afghanistan, Uzbek press


The Uzbek people have a long-standing presence in the geographical region that is now known as Afghanistan. The establishment of present-day Afghanistan commenced in 1747. The Uzbeks, who have resided in this region since this specific time, were unable to avail themselves of the state's authority to safeguard their language and literature. In contrast, the prevailing governmental authority has exerted numerous forms of coercion and hindrance. The growing individual and social dissent among Uzbeks since the 1960s started to yield results as the current conditions became somewhat favorable. These findings were initially observed in concise radio broadcasts and occasional broadcasts in Dari.In 1978, a novel technique was introduced, and however its application was restricted to a small number of poems. The "Yulduz" newspaper, which started publication during this time, became the sole officially acknowledged periodical of the Afghan Uzbeks for duration of 12 years. The "Yulduz" newspaper has assumed a significant undertaking in this regard. Consequently, it holds a significant position in the affections and creative endeavors of the Afghanistan Uzbeks.


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Published on: 14-05-2024

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How to Cite

Hamdard, H. (2024). Yulduz: A Chronicle Illuminating the Journey of Uzbek Culture in Afghanistan. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(5), 45–47. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i5.310