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  • Ahmad El-Muhammady Assistant Professor, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
  • Tuan Rishan Razeen Master Student, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
  • Muhammed Buhary Muhammed Thabith Postdoctoral Fellow, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)


Zakat, Governance, Maqasid, Framework, Sri Lanka


Zakat constitutes one of the pillars of Islam and religious practice in Islam aimed at supporting those in need. It also plays a major role in contributing to the socioeconomic development of society. To achieve efficient zakat management, institutions must focus on strong governance and proper management practices. This focus is essential due to the institution’s responsibility to manage effectively and provide transparent information to the public. Therefore, to meet stakeholder needs, non-profit organizations must prioritize governance. In Sri Lanka, the absence of specific laws or regulations governing zakat practice such as the Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) Act, the Muslim Intestate Succession Ordinance, and the Muslim Mosques and Charitable Trusts or Wakfs Act has led to a need for examination of current governance practices related to zakat collection and distribution. This study explores these practices and highlights how applying governance principles can help achieve the objectives (Maqasid) of zakat management in Sri Lanka. The research employs a doctrinal analysis of primary and secondary data, including statutes, practices, journals, and reports. Additionally, the study analyzes current zakat management practices through interviews with five respondents, including zakat practitioners and Shari’ah scholars, using thematic analysis. The findings reveal several issues: the causes of inefficient governance in zakat management, theoretical and practical problems with existing practices in Sri Lanka, gaps in the zakat governance framework, and conceptual and management deficiencies within zakat institutions. The study recommends developing a new governance framework for zakat management. This should include modern rules and practices based on Islamic law, staff training in fundamental Islamic knowledge, improved internal and external audit processes, and increased awareness among managers, donors, beneficiaries, and members of society.


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Published on: 16-10-2024

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How to Cite

El-Muhammady, A., Razeen, T. R., & Thabith, M. B. M. (2024). EXAMINING THE CURRENT PRACTICE OF GOVERNANCE IN ZAKAT IN A MUSLIM MINORITY COUNTRY: THE CASE OF SRI LANKA. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(10), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i10.397