The Effect of social media on the Growth of Faith and Character of the Youth in the Gunungsitoli and Teluk Dalam Parishes


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  • Megawati Naibaho STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli, Indonesia
  • Antonius P Sipahutar STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli, Indonesia
  • Dominikus Doni Ola STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli, Indonesia


character formation, development of faith, social media, social communication, youth


This study argues about the influence of social media on the growth of faith and character of the youth, specifically in the Gunungsitoli and Teluk Dalam parishes. The use of social media is vital to human’s activity in today’s society. The Church has to welcome the growth of social media positively and considers that the media expansion as a gift from God. However, it cannot be denied that the young people sometimes behaving unwise in using the media. The purpose of this research is to attend and discover the real facts among the youth about the influence the social media. In addition, the researchers also effort to reflect on the data obtained with critically and systematically. This research uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The main result to be achieved is the role of media social in the formation of faith and the character of the young people. The social media have a significant function in the process of human life dynamics. Therefore, the research has several significant implications, first, the social media is a medium for conveying knowledge and information to construct solidarity, second, the social media is an effective resource for the formation of faith and character of young generation in order to develop humans holistically.


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Published on: 31-12-2024

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How to Cite

Naibaho, M., Sipahutar, A., & Ola, D. D. (2024). The Effect of social media on the Growth of Faith and Character of the Youth in the Gunungsitoli and Teluk Dalam Parishes. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(12), 44–49.