Abdullah Bakhtani’s Contributions to Pashto Drama: A Study of Sidhu Malang


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  • Ghufranullah Maroof Department of Hindi, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan
  • Nazir Ahmad Rishtinay Department of Pashto Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Helmand University, Afghanistan
  • Mirwais Khaliqyar Department of Pashto Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5522-1885


Pashto drama, drama development, Sidhu Malang content, form and structure


In Pashto literature, Abdullah Bakhtani's narrative works have a notable and distinctive place. The author's narrative works, especially his tragedies (Sidhu Malang), give sharp criticism of immoral acts and behavior as well as important subjects relevant to modern society at large. His pieces provide vivid descriptions of the political struggle for social reforms that was going on at the time. Bakhtani draws inspiration from the Pashtun environment and only uses Pashtun characters in his story compositions. While faithfully portraying every aspect of Chersi's life, the drama "Sidhu Malang" sharply condemns the struggles that he faces. Young Pashtun people have come under fire and criticism for their disgusting and immoral behavior, which they have done in the name of self-expression and intoxication. The Sidhu Malang drama's structure complies with the essential rules of theater composition. In connection to other dramatic components, the action, characters, place, and time are all structured in a logical and cohesive way. The characters' words and deeds have the most significance. The play has been studied in great detail.


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Published on: 2024-06-15

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How to Cite

Maroof , G., Rishtinay, N. A., & Khaliqyar, M. (2024). Abdullah Bakhtani’s Contributions to Pashto Drama: A Study of Sidhu Malang. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 15–18. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i6.338