The Nature of Knowledge in Plato’s Philosophy: A Study of Episteme and Doxa


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  • Mohammad Hadi Bahunar Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Bamyan University, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Zia Roshangar Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Bamyan University, Afghanistan


Plato, true knowledge, false knowledge, Doxa, sophists, dialectics


The question of knowledge, which has always been mistaken for erroneous knowledge, is one of the most contentious discussions in the history of philosophy. One of the most well-known philosophers of antiquity, Plato contributed much to setting a benchmark for knowledge. Based on several of Plato's dialogues that inquire about the possibility of genuine knowledge, this article seeks to investigate the difference between true and false knowledge. Plato examined two standards for knowing in accordance with Parmenides' well-known claim that knowledge belongs to beings and not to non-beings. First, knowledge is associated with veracity. Second, there needs to be perfect knowledge. Additionally, he demonstrates that actual knowledge is distinct from sense perception and needs to be unified through the use of the dialectic method, a unique Socratic and Platonic debating technique. These dialogues highlight the differences between real and incorrect knowledge, citing traits like stability and infallibility. This study suggests that one of the best strategies we have to combat erroneous information or what is referred to as inaccurate knowledge nowadays is to use Plato's dialogues as a foundation upon which we can challenge any belief that purports to be real knowledge.


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Published on: 2024-06-17

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How to Cite

Bahunar, M. H., & Roshangar, M. Z. (2024). The Nature of Knowledge in Plato’s Philosophy: A Study of Episteme and Doxa. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 19–23.