Exploring Effective Teaching Approaches in Physics: Insights from Khan-Charbagh District High Schools


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  • Abdul Jabar Saqif Lecturer, Physics Department, Jawzjan University, Afghanistan
  • Naweed Rahyab Rasooli Teaching Assistant, General Technical Subject Department. Jawzjan University, Afghanistan
  • Yalda Nazari Teaching Assistant, General Technical Subject Department. Jawzjan University, Afghanistan


teaching physics, solving the problems of physics, laboratory experiences of physics, expert teacher


The objective of this study is to analyze the quality of physics education in the schools located in the Khan-Charbagh district of Faryab. This study utilized a quantitative approach with a survey methodology. A sample of 20 students and seven teachers was picked at random from four high schools in Khan-Charbagh: Rahman QulShahid High School, Khan-Charbagh High School, Chakman High School, and Uchtipah High School. In this study, we employed a questionnaire as the primary tool for data collecting and performed the analysis of the findings using SPSS. The results indicated that both educators and students in the Khan-Charbagh district of Faryab high schools encounter substantial challenges in the instruction of physics. The obstacles encompass a dearth of proficient educators, a restricted focus on problem-solving, a deficiency in access to instructional resources, and a scarcity of scientific courses and programs for physics classes.


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Published on: 07-07-2024

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How to Cite

Saqif, A. J., Rasooli, N. R., & Nazari, Y. (2024). Exploring Effective Teaching Approaches in Physics: Insights from Khan-Charbagh District High Schools. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(7), 7–11. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i7.321