Leveraging Classroom Learning: Strengthening Instructional Supervision to Foster Teacher Development


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  • Abdurajim A. Abdurahman Ph.D Candidate, Mahardika Institute of Technology, Inc., Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
  • Sitti Berkis A. Sabtula Principal-1 Sea Orchids ES, MBHTE- SDO TAWI-TAWI, Philippines
  • Fatima T. Abdurahman Kindergarten Teacher Simandagit Elementary School, MBHTE SDO-TAWI-TAWI, Philippines


Instructional supervision, supervisory practices, supervisory approaches, teachers


This study aimed to investigate the instructional supervision procedures of public elementary school administrators in District, Tawi-Tawi. The study examined the demographic characteristics of the teacher, the perceived effectiveness of supervisory methods, and the perception of instructional supervision. The research employed a descriptive design-quantitative methodology using a sample of 89 educators from seven institutions. Canada and Ukraine had once employed a modified variant of the supervisory practices tool. The statistical analysis of these variables was conducted utilizing frequency counts, percentages, and mean ranges. A majority of educators concurred that formal supervision was essential, and most indicated they had received regular classroom visits from district personnel involved with the schools. A study illustrated the most prevalent way of office appraisal. The majority of instructors expressed satisfaction with the volume and quality of supervision they receive, however they were somewhat dissatisfied with the degree of organization around collective input. Educators want to engage more intimately with the supervision activities and integrate them into their planning routines. The formality of teachers’ language in supervising teacher development is significant, as it facilitates discourse on the matter, including enhancing the consultations teachers participate in during supervision planning and establishing the frequency of supervision to meet individual teachers' needs effectively. Examples worthy of consideration include the gentle approach of colleague supervision and peer coaching, as well as providing teachers with tailored and individualized frequencies of supervisory experiences. This may result in professional growth and development, as well as the attainment of elevated educational goals for the pupils.


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Published on: 23-01-2025

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How to Cite

Abdurahman, A., Sabtula, S. B., & Abdurahman, F. (2025). Leveraging Classroom Learning: Strengthening Instructional Supervision to Foster Teacher Development. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v4i1.469