Authors’ responsibilities

Authors guarantee that their manuscripts are their original works, that they have never been published before, and that they are not in the process of being published elsewhere. Submission of an identical paper to two journals simultaneously is considered a form of plagiarism, and the manuscript will be rejected. Our journal does not accept work that has already been published elsewhere.

The content of the contributions is solely the responsibility of the authors. The authors declare that the article contains no false or unlawful assertions and does not infringe on third-party rights.

The author team identified in the manuscript must include all and only those authors who have made significant contributions to the submitted manuscript. If someone other than the authors helped with essential aspects of the research project or the manuscript's preparation, they should be recognized in a footnote or the Various comments section.

The authors are responsible for indicating the title and code label of the research project in which the work was created and the full name of the financing institution. Suppose a paper has been presented as an oral presentation at a conference (under the same or similar title). In that case, complete information about the conference must be included in the same place.

Authors must correctly cite sources that have significantly impacted their research and writing. Text, equations, illustrations, and tables borrowed directly from other publications must be explicitly marked, e.g., with quote marks and their placement in the source document (page number) or, if more lengthy, with a footnote, given in a separate paragraph.

According to the journal's citation style, each quotation's full references (in-text citations) must be listed in a distinct section and only quoted/cited sources. Not all sources utilized to produce a work should be listed in the References section.

When writers find a severe error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must immediately tell the journal manager (or publisher) and work with them to have the manuscript retracted or corrected.

Any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that may have influenced the provided results or their interpretation should be disclosed in the manuscript.

The authors agree to follow the journal's Editorial Policies by submitting a paper.

Authors must submit the copyright transfer form right after acceptance of the paper.