Peer Review Statement

Based on the initial Editor's screening, all research articles in this publication have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review.

The following are the steps in the manuscript submission and peer-review process:

-The Author completes and submits a research manuscript.

-The Editor performs the preliminary screening and sends it to the Reviewers.

-Reviewers examine the paper to comply with the requirements and ensure that the research is high quality.

-The piece is returned to the Editor, along with a suggestion to reject, modify, or approve the article.

-A decision is drafted by the Editor and given to the author.

-The article is returned to the author, along with the feedback from the reviewer.

-The amended article is received by the Editor and forwarded to the Publication Department.

Note: The review process for articles submitted to this journal is under a double-blind peer review system.

For further information, go to Double-blind Peer-review Process.