Scrutiny of Documentary Evidence of the Effectiveness of Staff Development Programmes in Zimbabwean Primary Schools: Implications for Quality Education
Document, documentary evidence, effectiveness, school staff development, quality educationAbstract
This qualitative case study was scrutiny of documentary evidence of the effectiveness of staff development programmes in selected primary schools in Hwange District, Zimbabwe. Its population comprised of primary school heads and a sample of 5(n=5); obtained through Purposive sampling was utilised. Interviews complemented by document analysis were employed as data generation techniques. The major findings were that staff development is being implemented at the studied schools considering the presence of staff development records particularly plans and minutes. However, these records were available at some schools while others did not have them. Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that staff development at the schools is reasonably effective though their effectiveness could be enhanced through improved recording of the programmes. The researchers recommended that concerned authorities should ensure that school staff development is properly documented in a way that fosters its effectiveness and quality education.
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Published on: 11-01-2022
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