International Students' Cultural Identity Construction in the USA Context


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  • Dr. Sukanto Roy Assistant Professor, Department of English & Modern Languages, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Said Rashid Al Harthy Senior English Supervisor, Ministry of Education, Muscat, Oman


international students, identity construction, USA context


International students (IS) who travel abroad for studies could be affected by various factors such as academic and social aspects that may influence the construction of their cultural identities. This study explored a group of international students' cultural identity construction in the environment of an American university. A focus group discussion investigated how the IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) learning context influences international students' cultural identity construction. The data revealed that the major influential factors in the construction of international students' cultural identities were initial challenges and their life experiences. The data also indicated that this process of identity construction went through the stages of the acculturation model.


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Published on: 31-03-2022

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How to Cite

Roy, D. S., & Al Harthy, D. S. R. (2022). International Students’ Cultural Identity Construction in the USA Context. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(03), 127–140.