teaching in pandemic, gender equity, organizational practices, teachers' morale, faculty productivityAbstract
This study sought to ascertain how organizational strategies affected gender equity in a teacher’s morale and productivity among male, female, and nonbinary faculty at Jose Rizal Memorial State University, utilizing a descriptive correlational research design with the use of standardized tests. The frequency count, percent, mean, Chi-square, and Pearson R statistical tests were used to total, tabulate, and further analyze and interpret the results. The findings showed a substantial association, demonstrating how organizational practices have an effect on a teacher's level of morale. The organization may implement leadership development programs to prepare upcoming deans or associate deans for their positions. Organizational practices and faculty production in research were not significantly correlated, however, there was a strong correlation between organizational practices and faculty productivity in instruction and community services. Gender equity within an organization can stimulate improvements in instruction and performance in extension but does not lead to research productivity among the faculty of the university. Thus, the deans and associate deans may include in their PPMP the purchase of classroom supplies, equipment, and other audio-visual aids and projection equipment. Furthermore, a staff may be hired in the college to assist the faculty with encoding, designing, and developing instructional materials. On the other hand, gender equality among university teachers does not result in increased productivity in research. The college may conduct action research to explore the factors that may affect the research productivity of the male, female, and nonbinary faculty. Furthermore, the proposed 'Action Plan for Monitoring and Evaluating Gender Equity in Institutional Work Plans and Activities' may be utilized to sustain gender equity in educational institutions.
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Published on: 24-02-2023
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jan Jacob C. Solon, Jovelyn M. Cantina, Van Ryan I. Alipoyo, Janet Grace R. Sarzuelo, Perla E. Velasco, Ma. Karen J. Mancera

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