Analysis of folkloric terms in Pashto language


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  • Khan Mohammad AZIZ Associate Professor, Department of PASHTO language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Takhar University, Afghanistan
  • Muhammad Zahir ZAHED Junior lecturer, Department of UZBEK language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Takhar University, Afghanistan


Pashto language, folklore, expression, idioms, terms


The Pashto language encompasses a rich array of legendary terminology, with numerous words employed by past leaders that include both mythological and metaphorical connotations. In addition to their surface-level significance, a significant proportion of phrases within the Pashto language are employed to convey a secondary, or intrinsic, meaning like ‘Diwali Xaro ‘Bird of wall’. If we explain this kind of term, (Diwali Shiro) means the beautiful girls of the neighborhood. De Aasman Kat, 'The Sky Bed.' When elucidating the word 'De Aasman Kat,' it denotes an individual who resides within a realm of fantasy, wherein they inhabit an imaginative and non-existent world, persistently engrossed in fanciful musings and reverie. This individual may exhibit a tendency to disregard the practicalities of existence and instead engage in a deep involvement with their imaginative realm. This behavior can be attributed to individuals seeking to avoid unpleasant realities or distressing experiences, or alternatively, it may stem from a desire to engage in creative endeavors and construct novel narratives and realms.

Language serves as a significant tool for comprehension and communication, and folklore assumes a substantial role in the process of societal advancement. Significant contributions have been made in the domain of Pashto folklore, resulting in the compilation of many literary works. The motif has been observed in both poetic and prose literary works. The early and later works of Pashto literature encompass a plethora of folkloric compositions. Pashto grammar books serve as valuable resources for illustrating grammatical concepts, often incorporating elements of folklore within their textual content.


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Published on: 09-10-2023

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How to Cite

AZIZ, K. M., & ZAHED, M. Z. (2023). Analysis of folkloric terms in Pashto language. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(10), 27–33.