A look at the orthographic challenges of Afghanistan's Uzbek language


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  • Hamidullah Bashqaban Junior lecturer, Department of UZBEK language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Baghlan University, Afghanistan
  • Abdul Fatah Rasooly Junior lecturer, Department of UZBEK language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Baghlan University, Afghanistan


orthography, Uzbek language, Afghanistan, challenges of orthography


The Uzbek language belongs to the eastern branch of Turkic languages. Turkic languages are part of the Ural-Altaic language family. The history of orthography and ancient literature of the Uzbek language goes back to the 'Orkhon Yinisey' stone in orthography ions. These petroglyphs were obtained from the beach of the Orkhon Seas in Mangolia, Yenisey (Anasay-Mother valley) in southern Siberia, Talas in Kyrgyzstan, and other areas such as Eastern Turkistan, Central Asia, Caucasus, Volga beach and parts of Europe area. These historical sites contain Turkish-Ronics writings. In the stone in orthography ions of 'Orkhon Yinisey', some of which include eulogies and hymns describing Turkish kings, are carved on the tombstones of Turkish kings and princes. The orthography of the Uzbek language of Uzbekistan has always changed from the previous state. However, the Uzbek orthography in Afghanistan has never changed since the 12th century until now; they use the Arabic-Uzbek orthography. In this research, library resources are used.


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Published on: 2023-11-07

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How to Cite

Bashqaban, H., & Rasooly, A. F. (2023). A look at the orthographic challenges of Afghanistan’s Uzbek language. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v2i11.184