Language Learning Strategies and Grammatical Competence of the English-Major Students in Zamboanga del Norte HEIs
language learning strategies, grammatical competence, metacognitive strategies, word formation, syntaxAbstract
Language learning requires strategies that increase our competence in communication. This study identified the language learning strategies and the grammatical competency level of the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) English major students at Jose Rizal Memorial State University (JRMSU), School Year 2017-2018. This research is mixed methods since it determined the language learning strategies mostly used by the students and identified the grammatical competency level of the respondents. The researcher triangulated the data from the survey using the focus group discussion through semi-structured interviews. It further examined whether there is a significant relationship between language learning strategies and the grammatical competence level of the BSED-English. The respondents of this study were the 138-3rd year BSED-English major students of JRMSU chosen through simple random sampling by the lottery technique. The students took the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) survey questionnaire, developed by Oxford (1990), and the grammatical competence test. Twelve students from the group participated in the focus group discussion. The data were checked, tallied, and analyzed utilizing the weighted mean, ranking, and percentage. The researcher employed Spearman's Rho test to find the relationship between language learning strategies and grammatical competency levels. She then transcribed and coded the data from the focus group discussion. The results of this study showed that language learning strategies usually used by the BSED-English major students were metacognitive, social, cognitive, affective, and compensation strategies. In addition, it showed that the overall grammatical competence level of the students is competent, which revealed their higher competence level in word formation and syntax but less competence in spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The results showed a significant relationship between language learning strategy use and grammatical competence level, indicating that the more language learning strategies are mostly used by the students, the higher their grammatical competence level.
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