Visual Representations in Teaching Mathematics


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Visual representations, Diagrams, computer graphics , Physical model


Visual representations are used in mathematics to help students solve problems or understand abstract ideas. Most of the students hate Mathematics because it’s hard for them to solve problems. In order for students to start loving Mathematics, teachers should find ways to make their lessons easier, simpler, and at the same time creative for their students. The study aimed to determine the extent of utilization of visual representations in teaching mathematics, such as diagrams, computer graphics, and physical models, in relation to the students’ beliefs, views, and preference level in solving problems. This study utilized the descriptive method with the aid of the survey questionnaire instrument for data gathering. The mathematics instructors often utilized the visual representations as to diagrams, computer graphics, and physical models and it was significantly correlated to the students’ views, beliefs, and preference level in solving math problems. Mainstream use of other visual representations to determine its effectiveness on students’ academic performance.


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Published on: 2023-05-01

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How to Cite

MA. BETTY P, D. (2023). Visual Representations in Teaching Mathematics. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(05), 21–30.