Unveiling the Cultural Impact of 'Ashar': A Societal Perspective


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  • Professor Pashtoon Aqa Shirzad Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Kabul Education University, Afghanistan
  • Dr. Jamshed Khan Rashidi Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Kabul Education University, Afghanistan
  • Dr. Sayed Asghar hashimi Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Sayed Jamaludin Afghani University, Kunar, Afghanistan


Ashar, Hashar, communal tradition, voluntary work, preservation, unity, social activity, cultural heritage


‘Ashar’, also referred to as Hashar, stands as a prevalent tradition deeply ingrained within Afghan culture, characterized by collective voluntary labor directed towards specific communal tasks or projects. This research endeavors to delve into the urgent necessity of addressing the potential decline of this significant social activity and to propose diverse solutions for its preservation. With its unique capacity to nurture unity and cohesion among communities, ‘Ashar’ yields a myriad of benefits that resonate across individuals and groups. Even the simplest act of aiding a single person exemplifies the profound impact and intrinsic value of this communal tradition. Through an exploration of its multifaceted implications, this study aims to illuminate the critical importance of safeguarding ‘Ashar’ to perpetuate its invaluable contributions to Afghan society.


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Abid, A. B. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Kabul Education University.

Afghan, S. (1402). Interview. Laghman: Center.

Baryali, K. M. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Nangarhar Station.

Hewad, H. (1402). Interview. Khak-e-Jabar: Malang Village.

Khalil, I. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Khost Station.

Mahbob, M. S. (1398). Farhang jaj. Jalalabad: Khattiz Publications.

Moomand, I. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Jalalabad Station.

Shams, S. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Ahmad Shah Baba mina area.

Ulfat, M. I. (1402). Interview. Kabul: Paktia Station.

Published on: 20-04-2024

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How to Cite

Shirzad, P. A., Rashidi, J. K., & hashimi, S. A. (2024). Unveiling the Cultural Impact of ’Ashar’: A Societal Perspective. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4), 72–74. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i4.289