Spiritual Birth: Exploring the Concept of 'Death before Death' in Mirza Khan Ansari's Poetry


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  • Dr. Sayed Asghar Hashimi Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Sayed Jamaludin Afghani University, Afghanistan
  • Enayatullah Shihab Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Sayed Jamaludin Afghani University, Afghanistan
  • Khalilullah Hanif Pashto Department, Language Faculty, Sayed Jamaludin Afghani University, Afghanistan


Spirituality, mystical poetry, divine connection, transformative journey, spiritual enlightenment


The influence of theosophical and mystical principles permeates the poetry of the Rokhani Period, extending beyond its initial literary manifestation to subsequent poetic schools. This study delves into the concept of "death before death" within selected works of the esteemed poet Mirza Khan Ansari from the Rokhani Period. Referred to as "spiritual birth" in philosophy and "TAWALUD-E-MANAWI" in Farsi Dari, this theory is notably prevalent in Ansari's poetry. Central to Muslim belief is the anticipation of doomsday, underpinned by a commitment to truthfulness and righteousness. The imperative of preparing for death, abstaining from wrongdoing, aiding fellow beings, upholding the rights of Allah, and numerous other tenets all encapsulate the essence of "death before death." Thus, this research underscores the significance and urgency of exploring this theme. Through a meticulous examination conducted primarily in library settings, this paper elucidates how Mirza Khan's poetry embodies the theory of spiritual birth. It advocates for the prioritization of spiritual over physical birth and emphasizes the necessity of preparing for death as a transformative process. Employing descriptive and analytical methodologies, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the interplay between mortality and spirituality.


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Published on: 23-04-2024

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How to Cite

Hashimi, S. A., Shihab, E., & Hanif, K. (2024). Spiritual Birth: Exploring the Concept of ’Death before Death’ in Mirza Khan Ansari’s Poetry. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4), 80–84. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjahss.v3i4.295