Philosophical Study of Third War between Afghan and British


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  • Shirali Samimi Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Social Science, University of Bamyan, Afghanistan
  • Abdul Samad Hekmat Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Science, University of Bamyan, Afghanistan


Independence, Amanullah Khan, British, War, Afghanistan, Habibullah, Reform


The Third war between Anglo-Afghan started on 6th May 1919 and finally ended with an armistice on 8 August 1919. While it was essentially the minority of tactical victory for the British in so much as they were able to repel the regular Afghan forces, but in many ways, it was a strategic victory for the Afghanistan and Shah Amanullah khan. In fact, the beginning of the 20th century is the beginning of the strengthening of the reformist spirit of the governments. Influenced by the libertarian revolutions of the countries of the region, the intellectuals formed rescue groups against the intervention and colonial aggressions and tried to collect the secrets of the rulers in the affairs of the country. The first and second constitutionalists and the zealous youth of Afghanistan rose for the welfare of all from social justice to the formation of a non-authoritarian government. Even they sacrificed their lives for the purpose of realizing all this and were torn apart by the oppressors. They shed blood, sacrificed and left, but the history of the country never forgot them.


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Published on: 16-11-2022

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How to Cite

Samimi, S., & Hekmat, A. S. (2022). Philosophical Study of Third War between Afghan and British. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(10), 47–53.