Causes of Internal Migration in Afghanistan: The Case of Kabul City


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Internal Migration, Pushing and pulling factor, Kabul, Afghanistan


Due to job prospects, widespread violence, general instability, poverty, and natural disasters, the rate of internal migration has risen in recent years. The goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence internal migration in Afghanistan. The data were collected in various regions of Kabul during the period July-August 2019. Study data were gathered from 895 rural-urban migrants in the city of Kabul. This study applied logistic regression to examine the push and pull factors affecting internal migration. The results show that those who migrated between 2010-2018 are more likely pulled to migrate due to security problems in their last area of residence and more likely to be affected by the push-pull of social, economic, educational, health and safety factors. The results of this study suggest that rural-urban migration in Afghanistan must be slowed down and rural development programs ought to be implemented in order to create employment opportunities and to pay attention to rural-urban equal development. Otherwise, the rural-urban migrants who are dissatisfied with their quality of life in Kabul will prefer not to return to their villages, so seeking ways for international migration. Besides that, the country should take action plans in order to remove security issues in urban areas.



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Published on: 25-02-2023

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How to Cite

AKBARY, M. F., TAQADDAUSI, M. T., & MAREFAT, M. B. (2023). Causes of Internal Migration in Afghanistan: The Case of Kabul City. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(01), 69–77.