Islamic Features in the Literary Works of Kazi Nazrul Islam and Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad: A Comparative Analysis
Islamic features, influenced, world literature, epoch-making rebel poetAbstract
Literature is one of the important artistic tools that has influential power to shape the thoughts of readers, consciously or subconsciously. Literary figures also choose different themes to compose their works. The Islamic feature is a vivid and aesthetic trend that captivates many readers. Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899-1976) and Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad (1889-1964) are two prolific writers who have achieved lofty positions in the literary domain, both nationally and internationally. Kazi Nazrul Islam, the National Poet of Bangladesh, is widely applauded as an epoch-making rebel poet of Bangla literature, while Egyptian writer Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad is a prominent figure in Arabic Literature. Both focused on Islamic features, including history, philosophy, politics, socio-economic issues, as well as individual and family matters in their literary works. This article aims to compare their contributions using Islamic features in literature. Additionally, it examines how they depict Islamic features in various forms such as prose, poetry, novels, drama, and short stories. The article follows established analytical, historical, and comparative research methodologies by quoting examples and extracting samples from the literary works of these eminent figures. This research will contribute to enriching Arabic, Bengali, and world literatures.
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Published on: 15-12-2023
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