Marital Adjustment of Parents of Children with Special Needs in Gostivar, North Macedonia
marital adjustment, parents of children with special needs, parents’ education, parents of children with normal developmentAbstract
The primary objective of this study is to compare marital adjustment between parents of children with special needs and parents of typically developing children. The research sample, comprising 15 parents from each group, was purposefully selected from Gostivar, North Macedonia. The assessment utilized the MAT questionnaire consisting of 15 items, demonstrating a reliability coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) of 0.71. Statistical analysis, including a t-test (30) = 3.32; p < 0.05, revealed significant differences in marital adjustment between the two groups. Furthermore, ANOVA analysis (sig = 0.01) indicated notable distinctions in parental education levels between the two groups. Keywords: marital adjustment, parents of children with special needs, parental education, typically developing children.
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Published on: 25-12-2023
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