The concept of the body in Islamic thought and negation of the body in environmental advertisements

مفهوم بدن در تفکر اسلامی و نفی تنانگی در تبلیغات محیطی


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  • Reza Rafiei Rad PhD, Department of Islamic Arts, Faculty of Islamic Crafts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


media, human body, environmental, advertising, particle body


Environmental advertising is a newly arrived phenomenon from the West, and in Iran, although it is a new media, it can communicate with the audience as an effective institution. The legal approaches of advertising in the West, under the influence of individualistic thinking, with body management methods that present a perfect and immortal image of human existence, gain the most profit from the depiction of the body in order to advance the goals of capitalism. Now the question is, how is the concept of the body interpreted and understood in Islamic thinking, and what is the scope of illustrating the body as an effective and important element in environmental advertising? This research was conducted with a verbal approach and with a descriptive analytical method and using library sources, it shows that three general laws: "Regulations for the establishment and supervision of the work and activity of advertising centers", "Committee approvals" Central Advertising Organizations of the Country" and "Policies and Rules Governing Environmental Advertising" have stated the restrictions and rules related to this type of advertising and the scales of the presence of body image in it in accordance with Sharia. According to Islamic principles, human beings have three types of bodies, respectively, "maternal body", "ideal body" and "particle body". As a result, due to the originality of this body in Islamic theoretical foundations, advertising also avoids presenting the image of the human mother's body in environmental advertisements by emphasizing the authentic human body, i.e., the particle body, unlike Western principles.


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Published on: 26-05-2024

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How to Cite

Rad, R. R. (2024). The concept of the body in Islamic thought and negation of the body in environmental advertisements: مفهوم بدن در تفکر اسلامی و نفی تنانگی در تبلیغات محیطی. Sprin Multidisciplinary Journal in Pashto, Persian & English, 2(2), 25–34.



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