Investigating the factors affecting the job motivation of the employees the state banks of Afghanistan


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  • Maryam Amin Banayee Department of Management and business administration, Faculty of Economy Kabul University, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Rafee Banayee Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology Kabul University, Afghanistan


job satisfaction, effectiveness, productivity, service quality, motivation


In every organization or public and private institution, there are certain problems that not paying attention to them can be a factor in reducing the productivity of the organization, or paying attention to it can be the basis for success in affairs. But if these factors are categorized and prioritized, job dissatisfaction can be seen at the top of them.

The job satisfaction survey acts as a tool for collecting the main information in organizations and enables managers to firstly compare departments or work groups with each other and secondly to prioritize issues and problems and thirdly, to identify the perceptions and expectations of employees so that they can improve the gap between the current situation and the desired situation.

This research was conducted in three state banks (Melli, New Kabul Bank, and Pashtani), based on the existing limitations, the total population is unknown, and if the total population is unknown, using the Morgan formula, the sample population is 374 people, but due to increasing the degree 400 questionnaires were distributed and collected.

In this research, four hypotheses were designed, and all four hypotheses were confirmed after the test, which means that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and salary, productivity and service quality, and work speed. Services You should pay more attention to the job satisfaction of your employees.


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Published on: 04-03-2023

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How to Cite

Banayee, M. A., & Banayee, M. R. (2023). Investigating the factors affecting the job motivation of the employees the state banks of Afghanistan. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(02), 07–18.