Using of Modern Materials in Open and Distance Learning: Problems and Solutions


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  • Ahmed Reza Ahmed Reza, Assistant Professor, Bangladesh Open University


Open, Distance Learning, Student, Learning, Teaching, Technology, Internet


The process of educating everyone regardless of age, gender, race and caste is called the open and distance learning method. The method has emerged as a popular and up-to-date medium in today's world because those who cannot participate directly in the classroom system can continue their lifelong learning in this method. Due to the use of this method, it has been possible to continue the education system even in the Covid-19 situation. However, developing countries are facing some problems in applying modern education technology in open and distance education. Problems Have been mixed and an outline of the solution to these problems has been presented. The analysis of the results shows that lack of necessary electricity, internet and technical infrastructure, and lack of necessary technical equipment and skills of teachers and students are the main problems of applying modern technology in open and distance learning in Bangladesh. Steps have been taken to outline the solution to these problems by providing necessary technical equipment and training to the research teachers and students, use of social media, etc.


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Published on: 15-04-2022

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How to Cite

Reza, A. (2022). Using of Modern Materials in Open and Distance Learning: Problems and Solutions. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(04), 172–182.